New Zealand – Wednesday, March 17
There are pictures on the internet of my time here. Check them out.
Peter took me to an air strip where they were loading a plane. I think I got some pictures of the loader in action. The plane takes just a few minutes to drop the load on the hills. He is guided by a GPS signal so he knows where the last pass was. From the time he lands untel he Is taking off again is less than one minute and in this case he had 1 and 1/2 tons of powder in the load.
The system can change the productive capacity of the grass because we will have measured the soil with a test and know the trace elements that are lacking. The load in this case had a blend of Calcium Carbonate, Magnesium Oxide, Copper, Cobalt, and Manganese. One of the fuctions of Manganese is to allow the water molecule to split into an H+ and an -OH ion so it allows immediate action following a rain. Where there is a deficit of Manganese, grass will not grow and grapes will not set on the vine so we can work miracles. [Read more →]