From New Zealand
Feb 22, 2009
From Bob Scott
I am in a lovely new home in a town called Waipawa NZ
I have the very great honour and pleasure to be planning a lecture and sales tour to present to several different farmer meetings.
I am employed by Dr. Peter Lester. is an old friend of mine and a classmate in a training school in Brookside Laboratories in Ohio in 1975. We have had the pleasure of working together several ties and this time we are helping to introduce a new owner and partner in the Laboratory.
This afternoon he took me to Hastings and Napier so we had the opportunity to visit and get acquainted. He is a very enthusiastic and has been a hared working dairyman since 1992. He was milking over 500 cows so he is a man who brings practical experience to the Quantum lab sales team.
For the next three days we will be developing our story to explain how the consulting services of Quantum Lab can change the profitability of any farming enterprise. It us such a thrill for me to be included with this team.
I cannot think of a single thing I would rather be doing than travelling to learn more about farming, visiting with the people who produce food and being able to tell them some of the things I have been blessed to learn. I am absolutely delighted to be here and doing what I know I am good at doing.
I am using Peter Lester’s computer.
More later Your friend Doc Bob the cow doc
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