God has a sense of humor

I can remember when our kids were little and we lived on a farm. The beginning of spring meant an Easter egg huntThe trick was to hide the eggs in such a way that they would be right in the middle of an unlikely place. They would be overlooked unless a careful examination of the location was made. Imagine the joy in the mind of the one who finds the treasure in the unlikely place.

This joy has happened to many of us but it triggered a real and lasting enthusiasm n the mind of Bruce Wilkinson when he found the prayer of Jabez. It contains only two verses but it has such tremendous power it can change anybodies life that will use it. AND it is stuck right in the middle of some of the most boring reading in the entire Bible, the list of the begats in the 4th chapter of First Chronicles verses 9 and 10.

The book, The Prayer of Jabez has earned well over a million dollars. I tell you that to illustrate its power. But even though it has such tremendous power it is totally worthless unless it is prayed by a believer.

When you get this prayer I advise you to trace the outline of your right hand on a blank piece of paper. That will give you a very familiar outline that has five points. Then in your own handwriting.

On the Thumb write Bless Me Indeed

On the first finger put Enlarge My Coast

On the tall finger Let God Guide Me

On the ring finger put the words Keep Me From Evil

Then on the little finger instead of don’t let it grieve me put


Then if you will look at that hand picture at least 5 times a day for a week you will have memorized the prayer and then you can say it many times a day every day.

If you will do that you will begin to realize that you do have God’s favor, and your life will get better.

You will find that your goals really are attainable.

You can actually help more people.


The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and Jeopardy

Certain dignified and noble traditions help us to guard the precious gift of the power of the great United States.

America is only great because her people are great.

This shining example is a steady reminder that we value the greatness in our prominent citizens. The sum total of the heroes at Arlington and other national cemeteries is a constant reminder that those of us who are among the living are challenged to be great as well.


Little drops of water, Little grains of sand,

Make the mighty Ocean,

AND the beauteous Land.

AND the teacher told us each of you is IMPORTANT.

Dr. Bob

Here’s more about the tomb of the unknown. 

ARLINGTON CEMETERY – Jeopardy Question

On Jeopardy the other night, the final question was How many steps does the guard take during his walk across the tomb of the Unknowns —- All three missed it —


The most valuable thing I do in my week

To my friends

I have an interesting job in the North Heights Lutheran Church in Arden Hills, MN.  This is a church that has 8000 members, two campuses and about 12 different services every Sunday.

One of the functions at most of the services is provided by a team of people we call altar ministers. These are volunteers who have been through a training program and who are willing to come to the front of the auditorium after the service and offer to pray with anyone who wants to come up for prayer.

We usually work in teams of two altar ministers, the official title of the job. We will listen to and then pray for and with the person who comes up for prayer.

I was introduced to the job of being an alter minister by a friend who was an altar minister and he asked me to come up with him and see what it was like to be an altar minister. When I watched Carl Brostrum pray with people I decided I would attempt to take the training and join the team of altar ministers. That was in 1990 so I have had a unique opportunity to witness the remarkable power of prayer.

I can truthfully say that the fifteen minutes more or less in that job has become the most valuable thing I do in my week.

It is no longer a surprise to me when some kind stranger will approach me and say, “Do you remember praying with me?”

Usually I will answer, no. I can honestly say I do not remember because my goal is to forget the time I spend at the altar rail BECAUSE IT IS REALLY NOT ANY OF MY BUSINESS, I am just a simple connector between the person who needs the prayer and the Holy Spirit. I just happen to be there. I cannot claim any of the remarkable things done to and for the person who comes to ask for prayer.
