I love to tell Bible Stories
Dear Friend who I hope loves Bible Stories
I wrote this set of pages to attempt to get my grandchildren to begin to love and read the Bible.
It is wonderful hand a young person the Bible and then tell them it is full of good stories.
That is the truth but unless they have some idea of where to look or where to start the thing that happens they will begin with good intentions but are soon discouraged because they really don’t know where to look or worse yet they have never heard some of the famous Bible stories.
Daniel is one of the best. story tellers.
The 3 men in the fiery furnace can spark a child’s imagination. When they see the king is sorry and finds out that Jesus met these men and protected them it can leave an impression in their minds that will enrich their lives for the rest of their life.
I am sure that is precisely why God had Daniel write the story in the first place.
This set of stories is my gift to you in the hopes it will help you with your teaching assignment. The stories are short enough so that they will fit in most single session periods.
If this Idea has any merit for your teaching you will know after you try one or two of these stories.
If it stimulates the desire of kids to begin to read the bible it will change their lives.
Thank you for letting me give it to you and I pray it makes a difference
Bob Scott
1120 Lois Court
Shoreview, MN 55126
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