Memorial Day – Memories
Dear Bill,
Thanks so much for your call today. After speaking to you I got out three more flags and a red, white, and blue bunting. Memorial Day has always been a very special day in the Scott Family. At the Aichelman farm (Doc’s uncle Frank Aichelman ran that farm before giving it to Doc after the War) we used to get out Doc’s father’s 1923 Model T Ford pickup and put a horse trough in the back. The trough would be filled with ice, sodas, and beers. Then we would chug down to the pasture and set up the baseball diamond for the annual baseball game. It was quite an event and all the farmers from the Platte River Valley would come to participate and set up the tables and grills. I’ll never forget the sounds of the Model T. It would go chuga, chuga, chuga, and had the wonderful AooUga horn. We had so much fun with that vehicle. It was amazing where that thing would go.
Here are some audio clips for the Model T
There is a new book out which includes photos from the Aichelman farm. Here’s a link to Amazon.
Attached is a photo of the time you surprised Doc at the Mission Inn. That was so much fun. “Bill Schmidt, what the Sam Hill are you doing here.” We really got Doc good that time. Unfortunately the digital image is blurry but I remember it vividly. It was what Doc always called “A Golden Moment”. Thanks again so much for all the help you gave Leslie and I with Doc’s transition to the Mission. That was a challenging time.
Semper Fi,
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