PFC Robert G. Scott, Jr.

PFC Robert G. Scott, Jr.  S/N 17092199 has moved to another campaign.  You can visit his Memorial at the main mall in Washington, D.C.    His wish was to continue his service to the medical students at the University of Southern California.  He has moved on to graduate school.

Bob - WWII Bronze Star Honoree

WWII Memorial

Doc Bob moves on

Good Morning,
I wanted you to know that my dad passed this morning at 3:30am, March 20, 2010.   They said that he passed peacefully.  I know that you know that he is rejoicing to be free of the body and alive in spirit.
On Wednesday he had a great conversation with his friend in Minnesota, Bill and my brother David reading Psalms 23…
Thank you for your friendship to my father…. He loved the sharing that he had with friends….
      God Bless You
Leslie Scott-Rose