An Old Soldier Looks Back – Chapter 2

Of all my training in the army I have to say that I liked the paratroop training the best.  We were a volunteer outfit.  None of us had to be there and there is a special esprit de corps of a group like that which is unique and very powerful.  After four weeks of paratroop training we were really soldiers fit for almost any assignment.   There were four weeks of very, very intense physical punishment.

 The first week was nothing but calisthenics for 8 hours a day.  On Saturday morning we had a run which meant we ran for four hours.  Friday night I went to the PX, Post Exchange, and had a huge strawberry malted milk shake.  Saturday morning I woke up barely able to breathe, my eyes were swollen almost shut and I really had a case of the hives.  I guess it was the strawberries but I never knew for sure.  I went on sick call, my first time in the army to go on sick call and I sat and waited for the doctor until almost noon.  By that time the hives had subsided and it did indeed look like I had gone on sick call just to miss the Saturday morning run.

When I reported back to the company the first sergeant gave me a severe tongue lashing as only a first sergeant can do.  I was put on KP immediately and was told to stay with the mess sergeant until Monday morning when I would be transferred to the next incoming company and would get the privilege of taking A stage again.  I really didn’t mind because I liked the physical training and that Friday night I avoided the strawberry malted milk.  There is a something about running in formation with a group of physically tough young men that is designed to make you think you are really tough.   I know that I have never in my life been in better physical shape than I was on that day.  I know I could have run another four hours and had energy left over. 

I did not especially want to enter battle as a paratroop however.  My goal was to make four jumps and then quit.  I knew it would be unpleasant to quit but I have to admit I was trying to not be in the battle as a paratrooper.  I would have been in the 82nd Airborne division if I had stayed.  I made my four jumps and Thursday after the fourth jump I reported to the first sergeant and informed him I was going to quit.  It was legal and acceptable up to five jumps, after that it was a court martial offense to refuse to jump.  I got the tongue lashing I expected and he shouted to me that I was gong to the front lines, to which I replied that I expected that anyway.

I was then transferred to Ft. Meade, Maryland which was a POE (Port of Exportation).  When I got to Fort Meade, the first sergeant asked me if I could type and when I gave him the affirmative answer I got a job until I was to be shipped out.


An Old Soldier Looks Back – Chapter 1

Reflections on the opportunity I had to serve my country.

Written by Bob Scott,  January 1997

Army Serial Number 17092199

When I had the good fortune to be able to visit David and Dana this winter David asked me if I would write down some of the war record as I saw and remembered it.  We talked some about our trip to Europe in 1969 and he recalled some of his memories about seeing places I had been during the war.

When the United States was thrust into the war on Dec 7, 1941 we were having a dinner at mom’s house.  A family dinner on those days was a big event, A.L. Scott was there and May Scott, my grandmother and grandfather, and uncle Andy, and some of the Aichelmans.  I was 15. 

We got word from the nursing home that Tatty, my mother’s mother had died so mom and dad left and went to town to begin some work on arranging Tatty’s funeral.  That left Frank Aichelman, uncle Andy and myself to visit and we all expected to wind up in the war.  Both Andy and Frank assured me it would all be over before I had to go.  Andy would be a dentist in the Army and Frank became a sergeant and was involved in procuring supplies for the army and Frank never left Denver.

The attitude of our people was galvanized into a united decision to work together for unconditional surrender.  The way that Japan began hostilities was certainly a strategic error because it did make all of us decide we would win and it was ultimately just that decision on the part of 200 million people united which strengthened our nation into becoming the most powerful nation on earth. 


Freedom Isn’t Free


I watched some of my friends get killed World War II in France.  You never forget those thoughts.

We had just fought our way through the seigfried line. We thought the battle was over. We were on a service path the Germans had used to supply the pillbox like fortifications. The Germans began to drop mortars on that path. We were in sort of a single file I was about five feet behind a kid from Illinois.   

He got hit in the belly with a mortar shell and it blew him clear in two!  I’m sure he never felt anything because it was all over in an instant.  I can still see his naked foot lying on the ground in front of me.  How the explosion lifted the foot and part of his leg out of his combat boot I will never know.  Sergeant Big Bill from the state of Maine went back the next day and picked up some of the pieces and put them in a mattress cover so the graves registration crew could pick him up.

Bob Scott


It is said that 86% of Americans believe in God.

Therefore I have a very hard time understanding why there is such a problem in having ‘In God! We Trust’ on our money and having ‘God’ in the Pledge of Allegiance.  



I believe it’s time we stand up for what we believe!
