Protected Again – Chapter 5
We had successfully breached the Seigfried line and were headed on toward the east. Our armor would be on the highway just to the east of the line because we had punched several holes thru the line and for all practical purposes the Germans had lost that one and it only took a few days. We were anxious to meet the armor because we had not had anything to eat since the rations we had carried with us ran out and no vehicle could climb the path we took.
At this point I need to recall a conversation I had with a poor frightened kid from Indiana, I never knew his name. He was in our squad and was a quiet lad. He told me he was terrified because he knew he was going to be killed. I of course told him that was not the correct attitude and tried to get him into a conversation about God and God’s protection. He would have none of it.
The next day we were headed east in a single file between the blockhouses we had conquered. I am sure we were visible up and down the line and not all the Germans were unaccounted for. I was watching him and all of a sudden there was a blinding flash, a huge sound and he literally blew apart. I will never forget the sight of the smoking foot as it flew past me without the boot. How the boot was blown off I’ll never know. Two men in front of him were wounded with shrapnel and one behind me. I never got a scratch because he absorbed the full force of the mortar shell and it hit him squarely in the middle. Needless to say we hurried on past that place and fortunately the three wounded could walk.
I know the danger of ignoring God. I know the power of the spoken word. He accurately prophesied his end and I saw it. I don’t know how you could have a closer call than that. Even 50 years later the vivid recollection of his death is a reminder to me that God watches over us.